
How Does Addiction Affect Families

Drug and alcohol addiction can have both short- and long-term consequences. Drug and alcohol abuse may strain even the most loving households. Conflict is common when family members argue over how to reach a heroin-abusing youngster. As time goes on, trust begins to dissolve. If a relative taking illegal substances acts aggressively or hides their condition in secrecy, relatives may become more wary. Addiction can induce changes in marriages, which can lead to divorce.

Communication becomes increasingly difficult, bringing irritation to the surface. Family members may witness their loved one suffer from drug side effects or erupt into rages when under the influence of alcohol. Others may notice that their relatives are losing weight and becoming unrecognisable. Some people may go months without hearing from a loved one, only to learn that they are homeless or have died from an overdose.

In reaction to such shocks, a relative may experience acute trauma or adopt undesirable coping strategies, such as co-dependent behaviours. According to Psychology Today, one out of every five children is raised in a home where one or both parents abuse drugs or alcohol. Witnessing the agony of a parent suffering from addiction while the child is young has long-term consequences.

Children who observe a parent who is addicted to drugs or alcohol as a child are more likely to acquire SUDs as adults. They're also three times more likely to be ignored or sexually or physically mistreated. Seeing a parent who is using drugs can cause upsetting feelings, which can lead to delays in learning and development as well as a variety of mental and emotional issues. Early exposure to a household split by drug usage may make a youngster feel neglected and dangerous, both emotionally and physically. They may become more psychologically and emotionally disturbed as a result.

Children may experience intense shame and self-blame as a result of their parents's substance usage. In adulthood, they may acquire feelings of unworthiness or create problematic attachments. In severe instances, children may be taken from their homes and placed in foster care. Addictive drugs and stressful family ties can overwhelm teenagers, leading them to desire to go. Parental tension may appear to push troubled teenagers into the arms of a drug as a means of escaping. When a teen runs away from home, he or she becomes subject to sexual, financial, and emotional exploitation.

What is addiction?

Substance use disorder (SUD) is a complicated condition in which a person uses a substance without thinking about the consequences. People with SUD have a strong desire to use a certain substance(s), such as alcohol addiction,cigarettes, or illegal substances, to the point where their ability to function in daily life is harmed.

People continue to consume the substance while knowing that it is creating or may cause issues. Addictions are a term used to describe the most serious SUDs. People with a substance use disorder may have distorted thinking and behaviours. Changes in the brain’s structure and function are what cause people to have intense cravings, changes in personality, abnormal movements, and other behaviours.

Brain imaging studies show changes in the areas of the brain that relate to judgement, decision-making, learning, memory, and behavioural control. Repeated drug abuse can alter the way the brain works. These alterations can remain long after the substance's acute effects have worn off or after the intoxication stage has ended. The strong pleasure, euphoria, tranquilly, enhanced awareness and senses, and other experiences generated by the chemical are known as intoxication.

Each chemical has its own set of intoxication symptoms. When someone has a drug abuse problem, they often develop a tolerance to the substance, which means they require more of it to feel the effects. People who suffer from drug abuse or behavioural addictions may be aware of their condition yet unable to stop, no matter how hard they try. Physical and psychological problems, as well as interpersonal issues with family and friends or at work, may arise as a result of the addiction.

Substance use disorder symptoms are divided into four categories:
  • Impaired control: a strong desire to use the substance; a desire to cut down on or control substance usage; or unsuccessful attempts to cut down on or control substance use.
  • Substance abuse leads to failure to perform significant duties at work, school, or at home; social, work, or leisure activities are abandoned or reduced as a result of substance abuse.
  • Risky usage: drugs are used in high-risk situations; use continues despite issues.
  • Tolerance (the requirement for higher doses to get the same effect); withdrawal symptoms (different for each substance).

Substance use problems are common in people who also have another mental disease. Substance use disorder is frequently preceded by another mental condition, or the use of a substance can induce or aggravate another psychiatric disorder.

There are effective therapies for drug abuse problems. The first step is to recognise the issue. When a person is unaware of their problematic substance use, the rehabilitation process might be slowed. Self-referrals are always appreciated and encouraged, even if they are often prompted by worried friends and relatives. To determine if a drug use problem is present, a medical practitioner should undertake a formal examination of symptoms.

Regardless of whether the disease is mild, moderate, or severe, all individuals can benefit from treatment. Many people who fulfil the criteria for a drug use disorder and may benefit from treatment do not obtain it. Multiple forms of treatment are frequently necessary since SUDs influence so many parts of a person's life. Most people benefit from a combination of medication and individual or group treatment.

It is commonly established in the research on drug misuse disorders that addiction runs in families and that people who grew up with parents who suffered from addiction are more likely to struggle with addiction themselves later in life. The interplay of environmental and genetic variables might explain this susceptibility to developing an addiction illness.

While numerous temperamental factors may lead to drug use, anxiety or depression symptoms may also add to a person's urge to seek out a substance. Substances do, in fact, provide respite from pain. As a result, people who are experiencing heightened stress, worry, or feeling down and depressed may turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their bad feelings. Physiological variations have also been investigated as a possible factor in the onset of addiction.

Differences in an individual's susceptibility to more acute perception experiences, for example, may impact whether or not they are drawn to the experience of taking a drug. Alternatively, these physiological variances in reaction to drugs may make the experience of taking the substance unpleasant, limiting the individual's ability to seek out the substance again.

Addiction and rehabilitation centres:

Individual experiences may vary, but persons who finish an addiction rehab programme can anticipate going through at least four stages of treatment: intake, detox, rehabilitation, and aftercare/ongoing recovery. Intake entails a thorough assessment, which is then utilised to develop a personalised recovery treatment plan. Detox helps people cope with unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms linked to some forms of physical drug addiction can be extremely uncomfortable and/or hazardous.

Medical detox environments provide additional supervision, monitoring, and perhaps pharmacologic therapies to those who are at risk of experiencing these dangerous withdrawal symptoms. While detoxing at a rehabilitation centre,patients will be monitored, and, in many cases, medicine may be administered to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms associated with specific narcotics, such as heroin and prescription opioids. Effective withdrawal management and detox completion will allow you to concentrate more on your long-term recovery, which is where the rehabilitation phase comes in.

Longer-term treatment efforts are built on the foundation of a therapy-heavy rehabilitation period. You can address the underlying issues that are causing your addictions through comprehensive counselling and treatment. This is when patients address the root causes of their addictions, allowing them to effectively go on with their lives without restarting their addictive behaviours with drugs, alcohol, or other substances. It is very important to find the best rehabilitation centres in India like Abhasa Rehabilitation Centre, where you can get the best treatment.
