

Asking the question is the first important step, and the answer is always to get help from a professional. Sometimes medication is part of the solution, sometimes therapy is, and most of the time it's a mix of both. It's also helpful to ask your spouse, other family members, and other adults who see your kids often to be involved and helpful while the mom gets professional help. Also, if the kids are old enough, they need to know that their mom's depression is not because of anything they did but because of a medical condition that will be treated. In addition to making the child feel better, this opens the door for an honest conversation in which the child can talk about their worries and ask questions.

How BPD affects a person’s life

Living with BPD is hard in many ways, especially when it comes to relationships with other people. A person with BPD has strong feelings and can't control how strong they are. A lot of the time, they can feel angry or upset. They often act quickly and without thinking, and they are always ready to fight. Abhasa Rehab & Wellness, India's top Luxury Rehabilitation Centre, says that BPD has a big effect on daily life. Someone with BPD might:

  • Fear being abandoned
  • Feel strong emotions that can last from a few hours to a few days. Have a poor sense of self that can change depending on who they are with. I find it hard to make and keep stable relationships.
  • Do something on the spur of the moment, like binge eating, using drugs, or driving dangerously.
  • Self-harm
  • Have hard-to-control feelings of anger that are very strong. Feel paranoid or detached.
What causes BPD?

BPD is complicated, and there are many different reasons why people get it, but most of the time, they had a bad experience as a child. Studies show that childhood trauma, mental illness in a parent, and living in poverty when a person is young are all strong risk factors for BPD. People who were sexually, physically, or emotionally abused, neglected, or treated badly as children are more likely to have health problems as adults.

During childhood, being away from parents also raises the risk. That doesn't mean that everyone who goes through these things will get BPD, but it does make it more likely that they will. A person's genes can also be a factor. BPD is often inherited. "There is more and more evidence that genes (like FKBP5 polymorphisms and CRHR2 variants) and the environment (like physical and sexual abuse and emotional neglect) work together.

Chemicals in the brain, especially the neurotransmitter serotonin, that don't work right are also linked to BPD and other psychopathological conditions. Serotonin is one of the most important neurotransmitters for mental health. When it is working properly, it helps define a normal personality and keeps moods stable. Research shows that mood disorders are linked to changes in serotonergic activity.

Most people with BPD get it because of a mix of childhood trauma, genetics, and differences in the way their brains work.

Why do people with BPD self-harm?

Self-harm is a common problem for people with a number of mental health issues, but it is especially common for people with Borderline Personality Disorder. disorder. Research shows that people with BPD report more frequent, more severe, and more varied NSSI than people who hurt themselves but don't have BPD. People with BPD also have more thoughts of killing themselves.

Then, why do people with BPD hurt themselves?

Self-harming behaviours are often used to control emotions or stop feeling too far away from reality. "Affect regulation, anti-dissociation, self-punishment, interpersonal influence, anti-suicide, interpersonal boundaries, and sensation-seeking" are the main functions of self-harm in all cases, not just those with BPD.

Most likely, people with BPD who hurt themselves do so because they can't control their emotions. A person with BPD does things that hurt themselves to feel in control.

Self-harming is a way for people with BPD to control their dysphoric mood (a state of deep dissatisfaction and unhappiness), communicate their distress, show how they feel, and deal with dissociative states.


Personality disorders, especially BPD, are long-lasting problems that need treatment from a professional. Conventional treatments often include both different kinds of psychotherapy and the use of medication. This kind of treatment takes a long time and often doesn't work or leads to relapses.

The ABHASA's therapy programme, which is focused on the whole person, is very effective at treating personality disorders. The ABHASA Luxury rehabilitation centre Concept says that one-on-one therapy is made to fit your needs. We use methods from traditional medicine and hypnotherapy that are based on science and combine them with other healing methods that have been shown to work. From what we've seen, amazing results can be achieved in a short amount of time. Contact us to learn more about our programmes for treatment. All of our clients pay for themselves, and privacy is very important to us, so you can be sure that everything you tell us will stay private.

The Influence of the Father's Depression on the Child

Similarly to moms, depression in fathers can have a substantial effect on the child (or children). A rising body of evidence indicates that parental depression is a substantial risk factor for a child's future troubles. A depressed parent is less sensitive to their child and may engage in inappropriate parenting habits, such as neglect or overprotection. Parenting can oscillate between two extremes: neglect, followed by excessive involvement due to feelings of guilt. A lack of sensitivity to a child's cues exists. According to a study of 22,000 children from two-parent households, a father's depression increases a child's likelihood of developing emotional issues.

Prepared by: Ms Priyadarshini, Clinical Psychologist
LinkedIn Id: https://www.linkedin.com/in/priya-dharshini-she-her-815a3285
