
What is bhang?

Bhang is made of leaves from the cannabis plant, a culinary preparation that originated on the Indian subcontinent. The Indian drinks bhang lassi and bhang thandai, which include cannabis, are sold in bhang shops, where bhang is primarily utilized. As surprising as it is, Indians included bhang into their food and beverages as early as 1000 BC, and what started as a tradition is still given out during Holi and Maha Shivaratri spring festivals. The female cannabis, or marijuana, plant's buds, leaves, and flowers are used to make bhang, an edible combination. Bhang is recommended as a treatment for several diseases, such as nausea, vomiting, and physical discomfort in Ayurvedic medicine.

Bhang goli, which can be made with freshly ground bhang leaves and water, is another well-known bhang beverage. Bhang is mashed with clarified butter (ghee), sugar, or jaggery before being used in desserts.

Bihar, Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, and the Sub-Himalayan areas are among the states where bhang is extensively cultivated. In addition to India, Bhang is also grown in Pakistan, China, Iran, Iraq, and some regions of Europe.

How does it act?

As the Hindi song that we all have listened to multiple times goes "Itna maza kyun aa raha hai; Tu ne hawaa mein bhang milaaya" We all have grooved to I during every Holi occasion. Well, the feeling that we get after consumption of bhang is due to the psychoactive substances present in bhang or its capacity to alter how our brain and nervous system function. These effects are caused by cannabinoids, which are the Cannabis sativa plant's primary chemical constituents. Although bhang contains a variety of cannabinoids, the two most thoroughly studied are

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the primary psychoactive component of cannabis, which causes users of bhang to feel "high" after ingesting certain meals and drinks.

CBD, or cannabidiol. The primary ingredient believed to be responsible for the health benefits associated with bhang is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid.

The molecules of endocannabinoids, which your body naturally makes, are comparable to those of CBD and THC. Endocannabinoids interact with the cannabinoid receptors in your body and have a role in processes like immunity, learning, memory, decision-making, and motor control.

Are there any benefits of using bhang?

Unlike any other substances. one can benefit from bhang leaves in several different ways. Oftentimes, those who consume or intake bhang feel tend to justify saying that that it's medicinal or therapeutic and natural and they are all true. The following are some of the ways one can benefit from consuming bhang.

  • Bhang helps cure dysentery, fever, digestion issues, and sunstroke.
  • When it is consumed in moderation, it can improve appetite. Fitness enthusiasts regularly take it to gain or maintain the current scales.
  • Its ability to rewire the Central Nervous system and brain helps to deal with anxiety and stress.
  • Responsible consumption has the potential to treat depression and chemical imbalances in the brain.
  • It helps improve sleep when it is affected by conditions like insomnia, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and sleep apnea.
  • It can be used during cancer-related chemo treatments and to relieve pain. It can help treat inflammatory disorders like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia.
  • Some of the potential health advantages include the reduction of inflammation and discomfort, enhancement of digestive system health, treatment of skin problems, and improvement of mood.

1. Reddened eyes

A person's heart rate and blood pressure rise after taking a cannabis-based substance, such as bhang. This is primarily because of the chemical components called cannabinoids found in the plant. The increase in blood pressure and heart rate resembles the increase brought on by physical activity. After a while, the blood vessels and capillaries (including the veins in the eyes) expand as the blood pressure falls. The person's eyes turn red as a result of this dilation's increased blood flow to the eyes.

2. A persistent cough

Similar to how tobacco smoke affects the lungs, unnecessary bhang use can result in symptoms including a cough that gets worse and phlegm that gets bigger. Additionally, if ingested for an extended period, this could lead to serious lung conditions.

3. Aridity of mouth

The neurological system-altering properties of bhang cause a decrease in salivation. With prolonged exposure, this effect may lead to the painful condition known as xerostomia, or dry mouth. Additionally, it can lead to oral sores and poor breath when ingested in big amounts. Additionally, because of its psychoactive effects, it may impair judgment, coordination, and short-term memory when taken in high amounts, as well as promote paranoia or psychosis. Children and teenagers should abstain from using bhang and other cannabis products unless they are doing so as part of medical treatment.

4. Irritability

Although not life-threatening, bhang withdrawals can at times leave a person restless. This state is only present for a few hours and has nothing to be concerned about. Some folks liken it to the sensation you have when you try to stop drinking coffee.

5. Cognitive decline (poor memory and concentration)

Bhang can occasionally impair memory and learning, causing slow processing times and trouble concentrating. These signs might frequently last for several weeks. Other negative effects of excessive bhang use include insomnia, anxiety, paranoia, impulsive behavior, loss of control, psychosis, and lack of psychomotor coordination.

6. Tachycardia and hypotension

Consumption of bhang by people with cardiovascular disease poses higher health risks. This is because bhang can increase cardiac work, catecholamine levels, carboxyhemoglobin, and postural hypotension. The regions of the brain that affect pleasure, memory, thought, concentration, sensory and temporal perception, and coordinated movement have the highest density of cannabinoid receptors. The endocannabinoid system is overactivated by marijuana, which results in the "high" and other consequences like:

  • altered mood and perceptions
  • a lack of cooperation
  • Thinking and problem-solving challenges Interrupted learning and trouble recalling memories
  • a diminished appetite
Which population should avoid bhang?

Consumption of bhang by people with cardiovascular disease poses higher health risks. This is because bhang can increase cardiac work, catecholamine levels, carboxyhemoglobin, and postural hypotension.

Never ingest marijuana if you have heart problems or high blood pressure.


Bhang is primarily renowned for producing sensations of exhilaration, however, some people also experience panic, fear, or depression after using it. Heavy or prolonged use of bhang, especially when started early, has been linked to higher rates of school dropouts and reduced life satisfaction. Additionally, using cannabis products can increase your risk of developing certain illnesses including schizophrenia and depression, especially in older adults.

Can marijuana be addictive?

It is as simple as how water can hydrate our bodies. Any edibles that are being consumed can have its effects and so does marijuana. As discussed earlier, the THC compound present in the bhang or cannabis-based products makes it addictive although the other chemicals are medicinal. However, getting addicted to any substance will include multiple factors i.e., environmental, genetics, and mental health of the person who is using it.

Bhang overdose:

Any overdose can only be noticed by the person themselves or by the people around them. The amount of marijuana required to get addicted to weed depends on each individual. But there can be symptoms that start to get noticeable.

1. Greater Tolerance or the onset of Withdrawal Signs: The more marijuana someone smokes, the more they need to consume to experience the desired benefits. They may experience mood swings, irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, cravings, cold sweats or chills, and depression when there is no marijuana in their system.

2. Physical Signs. These can include red eyes, slow reflexes, or an overwhelming marijuana odor.

3. Inability to reduce or stop use entirely. It can be exceedingly challenging for someone to reduce or stop marijuana use on their own because the body and brain have grown dependent on the drug for fundamental activities like sleeping and eating.

4. Spending a lot of time getting high. Users of marijuana frequently consume more and more of the drug as their tolerance builds.

5. Isolation. This may entail a person retreating from their family and friends or engaging in activities they once found enjoyable less frequently.

6. Getting high despite the problems it is causing. Abuse of marijuana frequently ruins relationships. The substance takes precedence in this person's life and becomes everything.

7. Smoking as a means of problem-solving. Many people smoke to unwind or get away from everyday stresses that may be causing them trouble. Someone may decide to use drugs to forget the issue rather than deal with it.

8. Using marijuana to unwind or enjoy something. A marijuana addicts can believe they are unable to relax or take pleasure in activities without smoking. The brain correlates enjoyment and relaxation with marijuana use by strengthening such experiences.

9. Can't Sleep or Eat Without Getting High. Cannabis relaxes the brain and stimulates hunger. Smoking causes a lot of people to become exhausted. They might get the munchies. Regular use can make the brain become dependent on marijuana for eating and sleeping.

10. Purchasing a Range of Marijuana Products. There are numerous marijuana use methods. Your loved one may have bought various items to help them consume THC-containing foods, vape, or smoke.

11. Financial difficulties. Most marijuana abusers want to make sure they have access to a steady supply. The medicine could cost them a lot of money. They can beg to borrow money or request cash withdrawals frequently. To meet their wants, they might even attempt to steal money.

12. Legal matters. Recreational marijuana usage is permitted in some states but not in others. Marijuana addicts may frequently operate motor vehicles when intoxicated. They might encounter police officers as a result of this.

13. Avoiding positions requiring drug testing. Many jobs now conduct random drug testing or demand them as a requirement. Even though it would be a terrific opportunity, someone who is hooked on marijuana may shun certain employment.

Can it be treated?

Human beings are to be nurtured in a way they understand to identify what is good and what could be bad for oneself. It is only after the insight we start to bring changes in our lifestyle and to do so we require help from professionals who can deal with it with utmost care and knowledge. We at Abhasa, understand the importance of compassion and customization and that is why Abhasa offers some unique facilities that help with recovery.

Nutritious Food: At Abhasa, the nutritional requirements of patients are not overlooked. Patients at the facility are given organic food. They are given meals rich in proteins, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.

High-quality Food: At Abhasa, the nutritional requirements of patients are not overlooked. Patients at the facility are given organic food. They are given meals rich in proteins, vitamins, and other essential nutrients.

24*7 Security: The rehab center has constant security and surveillance. Patients can stay safe at Abhasa. Outsiders need a permit to enter the medical institution.

Our Treatment

BioPsychoSocial Model - In order to comprehend health, illness, and the provision of healthcare, the biopsychosocial approach methodically takes into account biological, psychological, and social aspects as well as the complex connections among them.

Cannabis addiction is treated with a variety of therapies alongside conventional treatment methods.

  • Art therapy – Art therapy helps alleviate the withdrawal symptoms of cannabis addicts. Art therapy helps addicts express their emotions. Cannabis addicts can focus on other things instead of the traumatic feelings that trigger addiction.
  • Talk Therapy - Talk therapy helps individuals explore feelings that led to cannabis addiction in the beginning. A counselor will talk to you and support you replace addictive behaviors with healthy ones.
  • Yoga and meditation - Yoga and meditation help in reducing the stress of cannabis addicts. It helps in calming your mind so that the effect of quitting does not negatively impact your body.
  • Recreational activity - Patients with cannabis addiction are involved in recreational activities to keep their minds diverted. Recreational activities like biking, and trekking help in alleviating anxiety and depression in victims of substance abuse.
  • Pet therapy - Pet therapy is also beneficial for people who are cannabis addicts. Interaction with animals helps in generating happy feelings in them. Stressed outpatients can gain benefits by interacting with friendly canines.

ABHASA rehabilitation center focuses on de-stigmatizing the taboos and educates the people involved in the treatment. We are looking forward to lending our support and utmost care to those who reach out to us intending to maintain a healthy lifestyle and sobriety, To get more details about the treatment for bhang overdose and the side effects, kindly contact us on www.abhasa.in

Prepared by: Ms.Nivedha L Narayanan, Centre Head at Abhasa Rehabilitation and Wellness Home
LinkedIn Id: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nivedha-l-narayanan-1781b6120//a>
